~ "The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration." ~ Claude Monet ~
Sunday, June 16, 2013
A Baby Fairy Nursery
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Madison's Magical Fairy Garden ~

A garden I gave her to call her own. Where she could sit and play, plant flowers, read stories, decorate with her own garden art and let her imagination run wild.

Well, Madison was certain that fairies were afoot inside that teeny tiny door. Knocking at it every time she came for a visit, asking the fairies to please come out and play. Leaving letters, drawings and gifts for them, as they also returned the favor.
She was always So sad when winter came and the snow covered her garden.
So this year for her Birthday I surprised her with her very own indoor Fairy garden.
A space for her to visit the fairies in the cold winter months.

I placed tiny lanterns at the front to welcome you into the garden. A real pebble path that leads in and around. Tiny wind chimes and flowers all about hidden along the paths in the moss, all made from upcycled earrings.

A moss covered table and chair set, along with a cozy bench from real tree branches and bark, to sit and read or have some tea.

I used artificial ferns, flowers, rolling moss mounds and a leaf circle in the center to bring the garden to life.
And my favorite, a magical gazing ball created using an old lamp finial with a clear marble.

Get your children outdoors or inside to enjoy and appreciate natures' beauty ~
Help them to create their own special space to experiment with plants and garden art.
Keeping their idle hands busy tending and adding to it.
Bringing them hours of enjoyment and accomplishment.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
~ Winner of my 5th Etsy Anniversary Celebration Giveaway ~

I would like to thank everyone for visiting my Etsy shop,
and to welcome all of my new friends following my blog, facebook and on Etsy.
Thank you all for your kind words and lovely compliments on my work.
They are very much appreciated :)
I am pleased to announce,
The winner of my 5th Etsy Anniversary Celebration Giveaway is
julie cavender ~ Congratulations!
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Hope you all have a Wonderful Holiday Season!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Celebrating My 5th Etsy Anniversary with a Giveaway
on December 7, 2011
~ Wouldn’t this just brighten up your moon garden ~
My Copper & Stained Glass Harvest Moon ~
I sculpted copper into a frame of a moon and embellished it with copper swirls and clear faceted acrylic beads.
Hanging from the copper moon are 3 circles of amber stained glass.
A large black acrylic flat tube bead with a amber glass bead hang from the bottom of the moon.
The glass is strung together using amber glass beads.
A swirled copper hook is attached at the top & is ready to enhance your home or moon garden.
The total hanging measurement is 9-1/2 inches long and 6 inches at its widest point.
Exposed to the elements the copper will patina into a dark tone.
I hand cut the glass, sanded it to perfection, and then drill them.
My name is etched in the glass.
Copyright c 2006-2011 Julie DeGroot
Thank you for the interest in my art.
Have a great day,
All you need to do is simply:
#1 ~ Visit my gardens in my Etsy shop.
See if there is something you like ~
*Add it to your Favorites on Etsy & Post the name of the piece here*
Thank you for stopping by!
~ Optional ~ *For extra chances to win* If you do have an interest in my art and would like to support my work, Share the Love, it would be very much appreciated!
Include these extra chances to win in the, *Same Post Altogether*
#2 ~ A Follower of my blog
#3 ~ A Fan of me on my facebook page.
#4 ~ Add Jewels In The Garden to your "Circle" on Etsy
#5 ~ Add Jewels In The Garden to your "Favorites" on Etsy
Open to the US and Canada. First Class Shipping included.
The contest ends midnight December 6
The Winner will be chosen at random on December 7 and will be contacted and announced here on my blog.
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Wishing you all a Wonderful Holiday Season ~
Good Luck to all!
Julie ~ Jewels In The Garden, formerly, "gardenjewels"
~ A Celebration SALE is also going on in my Etsy Shop ~
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Lotus experiment.........continued
Here's an update on my experiment over the summer, growing a lotus from a seed.
I had placed the 8 lotus sprouts in pots in different places, 5 went in my pond and two on my deck in a tub.
Well it turns out, the ones placed in the pond had a ever so slight trickle of water near them from a nearby water fall and in less than a week, the 5 baby lotus plants here did not survive :(
They definitely must be placed in STILL water.
Out of the two plants I placed in the tub on my deck, one perished ? and one flourished!
Here it is in late August ~
It even had a resident frog all summer long :)
The plant that survived ended up with 12 floating leaves and 5 standing leaves.
They were a Gorgeous blue/green. Such a cool leaf, totally waterproof, any droplet of water on them would just roll right off.
.... Late October now.... getting frost here in New York, so I needed to decide weather to bring it into the basement or place in the bog that was ready. After much research, others have been successful leaving them out in my zone, so I decided I would be planting it right in the bog.
We lifted the pot out and to my surprise there were shoots of roots up to 15 inches long that found their way out of the 4 holes in the bottom of the pot. The plant was totally root bound. Now I see how they can become evasive in a pond.

I decided to cut the pot as to try not to disturb the plant in any way.
(My husband so nicely did this part for me).

The bog I created is 18 inches deep filled with a mixture of soil and peat moss. I left 3 inches of room on the top for water to sit. It took the two of us to plant it with our arms totally immersed in mud. Had a lot of fun with it!
My finished Bog ~

So far so good. It loves it there!
Even in these cold temps down to 40 degrees, new shoots were emerging in the last two weeks. Fingers crossed.

I am counting the days till spring :)
to be continued.........................................
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Lotus Experiment...............
First I cut the seeds out of their pod

Then I scarified each seed by sanding the outer shell until I could see the cream colored flesh inside.

Lotus plants need very warm water to grow and at least 6 hours of sunshine and must be grown in still water. So for now I have them on my deck, until that is I finish the bog they will be placed in next year

However the mosquitoes were also loving this still water tub. So I used a tiny piece of a mosquito dunk to control this.
Refreshing the water from time to time, I will keep these growing in this tub for the summer & fall, for they will not produce any flowers until next year (hopefully!) only leaves for now. I will bring them in when the weather turns here in New York & place them in the basement in water for them to become dormant (at a temp of at least 55 degrees). Never dead head the leaves of a lotus, for they keep feeding the tuber. I will experiment with one and lower it to the lowest point in my pond where the fish hibernate to see if it can survive a winter here.
Next spring they will be placed in the bog to grow.
